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Flying? Use PlaneAire to Help Avoid Sickness

I knew it was going to be that time again – as my 28-hour flight(s) to Tanzania, Africa was coming up and I was certainly dreading the dynamics of the airplane. You know, the dirty seat cushions and tray table, the entertainment screen that you have to touch with your fingertips, the soiled bathroom after a few hours. Plus, many times, by the time I sit in my seat, some of these older planes look like they have barely been cleaned between passengers. These are things I encounter every time I fly, but I always say it is worth it!

Do you know what I mean?

Fortunately for me, I just received a bottle of PlaneAire that their public relations person asked me to review. So let me tell you a little about it and let you know how well it performed! 

What is PlaneAire?

PlaneAire® is a high-quality, all-natural organic spray mist to help you take care of all of those germs and various things found around your small economy seat, comfort seat, or even your first class, as it doesn’t discriminate! PlaneAire® uses the power of nature to help fight off any harmful germs that you encounter during your travels. You use it on any surface around you that you basically have to touch and it helps eliminate the harmful bacteria that someone else has left behind.

If I have said it once, I have said it one thousand times, it is not the surfaces that are the problem, it is the people who have sat in the seat before you that can wreak havoc on your health. So it is people and not planes that cause the problem. The plane just provides the surfaces! The people go to the restroom and don’t wash their hands, then they have urine or other things found in the airplane’s bathroom on their hands and they transport these bacteria to surfaces. So this is where PlaneAire® comes in handy – by erasing the bacterial history that someone else has left behind.

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What is PlaneAire made out of?

PlaneAire® is a travel mist and all-purpose sanitizer made from six 100% pure certified organic essential oils, purified water, and an organic fruit-derived compound to protect and preserve the oils and enhance the germ-killing activity. That’s it. Nothing else. These six essential oils were selected based on their powerful antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties. All of their ingredients are 100% pure organic and made from the finest essential oils from countries around the world.

Is there any science behind PlaneAire’s ability to work?

PlaneAire® has been laboratory tested by EMSL Analytical, Inc., which is a leading USA environmental testing firm. In their labs, it has been shown to eliminate over 99.99% of surface bacteria! They only thing you will notice is the nice herbal scent that it leaves behind. And since no one wants to breathe in harmful chemicals, alcohol, or bleach, there is none of that in this product. They don’t use any chemicals that extend the shelf-life of the product. It is also a non-aerosol and so it is safe to carry on to an airplane.

How do I use PlaneAire?

Basically, you shake it really well before you spray it. They say this is essential because it helps mix up the bottle of essential oils together right before you use it. And also since there are no artificial emulsifiers in it, this helps it keep mixed up and ensure that balanced herbal scent you will smell when sprayed. They also say one spray does the trick and can go a long way because of its potency. Spray it directly on the surfaces you encounter, as well as in the air, or on a paper tissue if you want to wipe with it. Either works, directly or with a wipe.

air purifying essential oils, essential oil spray bottles, essential oils to clean air, best air freshener, sanitizer spray, purification essential oil, essential oil room spray, #essential oil #cleanair #essentialoiltocleanair

My use of PlaneAire to Tanzania, Africa

I flew to Tanzania for an African Safari on Air Canada from Phoenix to Toronto, where I had to change planes after my almost four-hour layover. From Toronto, I flew on Ethiopian Airlines to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This flight is a 13-hour flight and I wasn’t so thrilled to be flying a new-to-me Airlines that hasn’t been famous for great reviews. This particular airplane was one of their older models. I was also flying the red-eye to get to Canada, so all odds could have been against me. Once I found my seat on both of these flights, I got settled in and recalled I wanted to try out this new essential oil PlaneAire® to see if I felt like it made a difference.

On my initial flight, I got lucky and didn’t have many people around me. I took out the spray and wiped down the surfaces and sprayed it once in the air. I actually enjoyed the smell and felt it seemed refreshing and helped me rid the area of germs. Soon after, though, I fell asleep since I was on the red-eye, so I didn’t have much more interaction with the product.

The second flight was a bit different animal! (See how I threw in a pun there? Africa. Animal.) Literally, I was in a tight economy seat, with two other people in a three-row configuration. I chose the window seat so that I could get some sleep needed before my arrival. This plane was quite a bit older than the last one and I felt the PlaneAire® was ever more needed than ever on this flight. It honestly felt like it was protecting me from all those nasty germs!

I used the 2 oz. TSA-approved size to wipe down my tray table, my entertainment screen, and the wall to my left, as I would eventually use it to rest my head. Since I am health-conscious, I was happy to have something to shield me from these unwanted or unknown surfaces! I did feel like it also cleared the air, as the scent is strong, so be aware and use only one squirt!! You see, sometimes you don’t know what is on those surfaces, so I was happy to have PlaneAire® with me! There you have it, that was my experience with PlaneAire®. My only complaint was how strong the scent was (as I have a sensitive nose) and my neighboring passengers asked me about the smell!

Don’t forget to Shake the Bottle: Essential!

Because it contains no synthetic chemicals, emulsifiers, preservatives, stabilizers or surfactants, PlaneAire® needs to be shaken VERY well before each use to mix the 6 essential oils together. This allows the individual oils to combine and activate, plus this ensures a balanced scent. PlaneAire® has a layered technology system, which is the order of the oils, and therefore when shaken it yields symbiotic energy that creates the health benefits of killing bacteria. The individual oils separate slowly as they dissipate in the air and on surfaces, working in tandem to create a healthier, cleaner environment, and leaving that lingering fresh and herbal scent.

What are these essential oils used in PlaneAire?

air purifying essential oils, essential oil spray bottles, essential oils to clean air, best air freshener, sanitizer spray, purification essential oil, essential oil room spray, #essential oil #cleanair #essentialoiltocleanair

Essential oils are aromatic extracts obtained from plants. Their antimicrobial and antiseptic benefits have been widely recognized since prehistoric times. Scientists have observed that mixtures of essential oils or their active components may be more effective than pure oils. The specific proprietary combination of PlaneAire® was chosen after testing 11 different formulations and it has been proven to be highly effective in killing 99.99% bacteria on surfaces.

How Does PlaneAire Compare to Other Natural Products?

Many popular products that contain essential oils list only one active essential oil (mostly Thymol) and added fragrance oils. PlaneAire®, on the other hand, is made from a proprietary blend of six Certified Organic essential oils, that have been laboratory tested, for their strong antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. PlaneAire® also contains an organic fruit-derived compound that enhances its germ-killing activity. Additionally, PlaneAire® contains more than 22% of organic essential oils.

How Does PlaneAire Compare to Standard Household Products?

Other disinfectant sprays are identified as a flammable aerosol under their Safety Data Sheet due to the composition of their ingredients, for example, ethanol butane and propane. Ethanol serves as their active antimicrobial ingredient in killing germs; PlaneAire®, on the other hand, strictly uses 100% organic essential oils and fruit acid properties to accomplish this.

Who Should not use PlaneAir?

PlaneAire should not be used by people with known allergies to essential oils or fruit acids. For more information, go to their FAQ to learn more. The FAQ states: “Additionally, certain essential oils are not recommended to use when pregnant or around pets, or are common allergens, which is why they are NOT included in PlaneAire®’s formulation.”

Tell me More about PlaneAire:

PlaneAire® retails for $14.99 for a 2 fl. oz. TSA-approved bottles. One bottle contains 450 sprays is manufactured in the United State by Suite-K Value Added Services in Edison, NJ in bottles that are made from recyclable polyethylene terephthalate (PET). PlaneAire® is available for purchase online from their website as well as on Also available in CIBO stores in John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), LaGuardia Airport (LGA), and Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR). PlaneAire® is currently only available for purchase in the United States.


Disclosure: As is common in the travel industry, Dr. Maloney was provided with a bottle of PlaneAire and other compensation for the purposes of review by PlaneAire. While it has not influenced her review, believes in full disclosure of all potential conflicts of interest. All Photos are by the author or are licensed under creative commons. There may be affiliate links in this article.


Saturday 7th of December 2019

Awesome post! Thanks for sharing.

Cacinda Maloney

Saturday 7th of December 2019

Glad you enjoyed it!

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