In South America, there is a tiny sliver of a country nestled between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean known as the Republic of Chile. There are many legends as to why this country was named Chile including a derivation from the Mapuche word that means “where the land ends”. Others might think it has …
Chile is one of the most unique countries in the world because of its shape and topography. Its long thin shape leads to many attributes that are not seen in most places of the world, including a diverse climate, from deserts in the northern region to glaciers in the south. Apart from the mainland, Chile …
Sergio Castillo Sergio Castillo (13 May 1925 – 19 August 2010) You never really know who you will meet on your travels. Looking at him, I never would have dreamed that he had created such a mass amount of great work that was stunning and thought-provoking. I loved the smoothness of his metal art pieces. …